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Miguel Angel Asturias

Múdre je milovať anjelov, ale vychádzať i s čertami.

quote by Miguel Angel AsturiasReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Valeriu Butulescu

Budem milovať svojho blížneho. Len nech sa ku mne veľmi nepribližuje.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Sizyfos nezomrie od únavy, ale od nudy.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Mám veľa odvahy, ale bojím sa ju využiť.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Mlčia. Ale aké hlučné sú ich myšlienky.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Je obmedzený. Ale jeho nerozvážnosť nepozná medze.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Navzájom sa oslepujú pochodňami. Ale noc zostáva nocou.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Objemné knihy vzbudzujú úctu, ale často zostávajú neprečítané.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Som sám sebe šéfom. Ale nie vždy sa poslúcham.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Zakopali vojnovú sekeru. Ale pre istotu je starostlivo zakonzervovali.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Najťažším bremenom je nevedomosť. Ale ten, kto ju nesie, ju necíti.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

O, príroda! Keby si ma stvorila aspoň dubom! Ale ty si ma urobila listom.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Ak zatvoríš oči, nastane noc. Ale potom nehľadaj hviezdy.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Môžeš byť inteligentný, ale nemusíš mať vždy pravdu.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Diabli. Boh toleruje opozíciu, ale nasadí jej rohy.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nie nepriatelia, ale naše vlastné slabosti nás ohrozujú.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nie smrť našich blízkych, ale spomienka na nich nás ničí.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Napísal báseň o svitaní, ale pochybujem, že by niekedy tak zavčasu vstal.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Kone zvíťazili v mnohých bitkách, ale z histórie aj tak nič nepochopili.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Po Ľudovítovi XVIII. boli ďalší Ľudovítovia. Ale história ich už nechcela počítať.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Je dosť možné, že obchodníci možno nerozumeli maliarstvu, ale ich peniaze domohli k jeho rozkvetu.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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