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David Hume

Nič nemožno spoznať. Ani seba samého!

quote by David HumeReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nič nie príliš veľké, pokiaľ to obsiahne ľudské oko, ani príliš staré, pokiaľ si to ľudstvo ešte pamätá.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Najprv musíš spoznať utrpenie, aby si zistil, čo je to útecha.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nechci slnko len pre seba. Ostatní zostanú potme.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Tučniak. Vták, ktorý dokáže prežiť aj medzi ľadovcami. Ale ani nelieta, ani nespieva.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nesmrteľnosť. Väčšiu ekologickú katastrofu si nemožno predstaviť.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Pokým nebol vystavený úmrtný list, nikoho nemožno považovať za mŕtveho.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Príroda nerobí nič bezdôvodne.

quote by AristotelesReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Valeriu Butulescu

Skús definovať nič. Budeš potrebovať veľa slov.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Po ťažkých rokoch štúdia som získal právo nič nerobiť.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Kone zvíťazili v mnohých bitkách, ale z histórie aj tak nič nepochopili.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Daj nám krídla, Pane! Zem je plná krásy. Nič sa nesmie pošliapať.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Sme ochotní ponúknuť všetko, najmä keď nám už takmer nič nezostalo.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Bol taký chudobný, že nemal ani nepriateľov.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Ani zlaté hodinky nemerajú čas pomalšie.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Raz príde deň, keď už nebudeme ani starí.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Majme trpezlivosť. Ani kvety neplačú počas sucha.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nezáviď kameňu. Ani on nie je večný. A naviac je aj studený.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Hľadaj. Ani včela nenájde med na každom kvete.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Ani do čakárne nesmieš hneď vojsť. Musíš počkať.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Ani diabol nie je perfektný. Niekedy sa pomýli a vykoná dobrý skutok.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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