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Valeriu Butulescu

Ak zabiješ hada, padne aj niekoľko stebiel nevinnej trávy.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nikto nechce uveriť v nežnosť hada. Nikoho nevzrušuje bezfarebná krv kvetov.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Veľmi mi pomohol v nešťastí, požičal mi niekoľko sĺz.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Medzi nami a zemou je dočasne vrstva trávy.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Vidíš skaly, niekoľko čajok a vlny a myslíš si, že si porozumel moru.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Mám v sebe niečo z dôstojnosti trávy, ktorá odmieta rásť na ceste.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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