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Valeriu Butulescu

Vôňa ruže nás núti zabudnúť na bodnutie.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Pokúsim sa zabudnúť. Len mi to pripomeňte.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Kupujem iba drahé knihy. Cena ma núti ich čítať.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Kolísavosť života nás baví len v kolíske.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Poďakujme Slnku, aj keď na nás svieti neúmyselne.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Často nás až tma naučí vážiť si svetlo.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Denne šliapeme po zemi, ktorá nás živí.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Hyena nás nechce zožrať. To znamená, že sme živí.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Pre nás slnko zapadlo. Hory ho vidia i naďalej.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Orol je náš ideál, hoci sliepka je oveľa užitočnejšia.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nie nepriatelia, ale naše vlastné slabosti nás ohrozujú.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Je v nás niečo z bláznovstva fakírov, ktorí spievajúc kráčajú po klincoch.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Poradíme sa s kompasom. Určite nás nasmeruje na sever. My sa vydáme na juh.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Prvá reakcia, ktorú v nás vyvoláva zlá správa, je poslať ju ďalej.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Nie smrť našich blízkych, ale spomienka na nich nás ničí.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Príroda je láskavá. Necháva nás zostarnúť, aby sme prestali smútiť za životom.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Zvykli sme si na myšlienku, že meteority majú krátky život. Pre nás sa zrodia vo chvíli, keď začnú horieť.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Poézia je rosa blýskajúca sa na slnku. Próza života začne, keď nás rosa zmáča.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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Valeriu Butulescu

Najčastejšie stúpame vysoko len preto, aby sme sa mohli pozerať zhora alebo aby nás mohli vidieť zdola.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Gabriela PopaReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Simona Enache
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